Total Reviews: 63
Average Rating: 4.78

10/06/2017 11:09 am

does not fit 2017 clock sensor
we messed up our clock sensor due to the adapter does not fit correctly in our 2017 model. we are having to order another clock sensor and figure out how to put on our new steering wheel.

*SlingMods Reponse* Hello Nancy, the clock spring slides around on the circular track below the hub. There is a notch on the back of the NRG hub for the clock spring plug. You have to manually align the clock spring plug to fit into the NRG hub before tightening down the hub. If this is not done.. you will simply smash the clock spring harness.

09/22/2017 11:30 am

Great products and customer service

08/10/2017 12:45 pm

Easy install
Installation was straight forward, although there were no instructions. Steering wheel puller is a must. Indexing the wheel took 2 trys for me. I wished the mounting bolts were bigger as the holes in the steering wheel we're at least 1 size larger. After a week I could snuggle the bolts up. I was afraid to overtightened, so some Locktite did the trick. Love the look and feel.

***Thanks for the review Richard*** Alot of Slingshot Parts MFG's do not includes instructions with their products. We have an installation video for this product and many others that can be found on the right side of the product page.

06/30/2017 5:24 am

So easy!
I've never attempted this type of a modification before, but all I needed was the installation video, and it was a breeze. It took less than 20 minutes start to finish.

05/10/2017 3:40 pm

Custom steering wheel
Looks great