Total Reviews: 40
Average Rating: 4.9

04/28/2022 8:56 am

My wife needed handlebars set back farther
The ROX Speed 2" handlebar riser kit worked perfect for bringing the handlebars rearward toward my wife 2" for a more comfortable relaxed position for her arms. Even with the bars adjusted all the way back her arms were more of a straight out reach and uncomfortable for her. The ROX Speed riser/set backs worked perfectly for putting the handlebars where my wife wanted them for the best relaxed reach. Machining, finish, and workmanship is excellent also.

04/21/2022 3:35 am

Worked well easy install made a world of difference for me

04/17/2022 6:20 am

does the trick
got the handlebars where I wanted them and installation was easy

04/06/2022 1:14 am

The best thing I could have ever bought

03/16/2022 3:11 pm

Very nice
Pricey, but worth it. Easy Install. Now I can actually feel the backrest on the bag behind me.