Slingmods YouTube Video is Invaluable Right away the provided instructions were a terrible photocopy that wasn't very helpful. Thankfully Slingmods made a video on YouTube that goes step by step. It's not a difficult assembly at all, but the instructions I got were so dark I couldn't make out much. One complaint is that the included bolts all seem a few threads too short. The single bolt that attaches the base to the Spyder was too short to grab threads with both the lock washer and the large flat washer in place. I ended up just using the lock washer, but if the bolt was just another 1 or 2mm longer it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.
Overall it's a good addition to the Spyder. As you have to actually lean your upper body in corners on it, having the back rest to give you something to push against saves some muscle effort on your lower back. It folds over quite easily to make getting on and off easier.
My complaint here is that to allow that movement the whole device just isn't very tight. It feels quite loose even though I probably have it overtighened somewhat. It makes it easy to just yank the thing off entirely, but at the cost of your OCD flaring up as you feel like it should be much tighter.
Again I highly suggest watching the Slingmods video. With that you can do this install in a few minutes.