Total Reviews: 91
Average Rating: 4.82

07/14/2022 3:07 pm

These are 10 out 10
Went by the numbers, I watched the install video about five times then went at it. No issues and they look fantastic. The surprise was in reverse they both flash.

07/13/2022 11:31 am
Satisfaction guarantee thank you.

07/07/2022 7:30 am

Something Can-AM should have added with sale.
I love the new running light turn signals for the Can Am they look great and give me more noticeably on the road. Very little work to install worth the money

06/29/2022 11:09 am

Sequential Turn Signals
I found it easier to just remove the front wheels. The install can be tedious if you are not able to get to the wires by not removing the tires. It can be done but I found it a little difficult.

04/27/2022 5:53 pm

A nice addition
First off I made the mistake of saying I'll do the add on lower red add on LED reflectors one day, maybe. But for now I'll just do the amber ones. So when I did decide to add those, I basically had to do everything twice, what would have been just a few extra minutes, became like an hour more. Because you are so right there when you do the ambers. Even if you have to wait and save up for the additional reds, before doing the ambers, it's the best way. Now I have LEDs that light up and flash with the turn signal instead of just tired lame reflectors, especially better then the paper ones that the addition red kit replaces on the lower fender.