Total Reviews: 23
Average Rating: 4.91

01/29/2016 1:06 pm

Fab Factory Emergency Break Caliper Cover
A really nice way to dress up your Slingshot. Well made and easy to install.

01/29/2016 11:00 am

easy install and makes the brakes look cleaner for cheap money

01/25/2016 7:40 pm

Fab Factory Emergency Brake Caliper Cover.
This is a great way to clean up the rear tire Parking Brake Calipers. The nut behind the 14mm socket was a pain to keep in place since I had to use Vise Grips since I didn't have a 19mm wrench. But once they were done it was worth the effort to put it on!!! They look Awesome!!!!!

01/13/2016 3:38 pm

Great looking cover!
Very nice looking cover & Great quality. Adds a nice custom look to the rear of Sling..Sling mods is top notch in customer service!

01/10/2016 7:35 pm

Nice piece
Provides protection for calliper and dresses it up nicely. Easy to install, but had to try 14 MM. socket from several sets to find one that fit close tolerances of recess for mounting bolts - not a bad thing, but if yours doesn't fit you can find one that will. Great bolt on accessory.