Total Reviews: 20
Average Rating: 4.7

10/21/2017 2:32 pm

did not latch
I could not get it to latch.if I took off the cylinder it would latch but not with it on. I finally took it off and put the stock back on.I sell mine cheap.

09/03/2017 3:19 pm

Extended range hood
Makes life under hood muck easier. Fit an finish is the best.

08/29/2017 3:28 pm

hood assist Kit
went on easy but had a hard time getting the hood to close and latch at all points. It's all latched now but I have'nt opened it sence them\n

08/22/2017 1:02 pm

DDM Works Extended hood hinge kit
Finally finished installing kit. It was well worth the expense! The quality and finish DDM put into their kit really shows! The precision billet pieces are a definite upgrade from the thin factory steel parts. The added opening clearance this kit provides is something Polaris should had offered from the beginning! Another great product from Slingmods! Keep them coming!

08/03/2017 6:03 am

Hood extension
I had this installed on my slingshot in Maggie Valley last May. If you looking for this mod, this is the one to get, much better quality than the other I looked at. In my case it also seemed to stiffen the fender "flap" at higher speeds and in wind.