Total Reviews: 17
Average Rating: 5

12/03/2019 11:01 am

Slingfx Precut Vinyl SLR Style Scalloped Front Decal Kit
Adds some bling to the front of the Sling. Turned a plain looking 16 SL to look like an SLR. Easy to install.

10/01/2019 12:18 pm

They look really great when done, it would be really helpful if they would mark them "this side up" if there is a left and right decal

07/07/2019 4:29 am

These look great on the slingshot
I wanted to put something on the front to break it up a little, these look great and were easy to install. I also bought the side panel kit and they a great way to dress it up as well.

04/10/2019 9:25 am

SLR front decal kit
Looks great—easy to apply

06/29/2018 4:19 pm