Love it! After about 100 miles with this product, my thoughts - 1. The sun. I use much less sun screen and am much cooler. 2. Wind and noise. Combined with my Madstad windshield, the wind is negligible , but still enough to keep cool. The wind noise of the past has greatly reduced. 3. The look. Just an awesome, aggressive look! Compliments to the designer. Enhances to the mystique of the Slingshot. 4. Installation. Just kept my iPad next to me and followed the video with my son’s help with only one issue - the rivet tool. Probably more my issue as I had never used one and broke a tool I returned to Lowe’s and still had problems with the next one. BTW, it was not a cheap model. I bought the pricier model. 5. Price. Are you kidding me? A top like this for the introductory $1,000 when other flip tops are going for over $2,000. 6. Egress. I’m 6’2”, 240 pounds and have no issues.