Angel Eyes / Halo LED Headlight Kit I followed the directions and did not run into many problems. The kit had been changed from the original install video that I watched as well as the instructions I read. The wires were now plug and play in a premade harness. This made the job so much easier. I only had one question about the installation. I had a blue and a brown wire to run to the fuse box, but no instruction on what one went where. One e mail to the folks at TricLED solved that mystery. I was afraid I would hurt the halos if I hooked them up wrong. I found out you do not harm the halos if the wires are reversed. they just will not work. You can also test the lights using a 9 volt battery to see what wire is pos/neg. That's a good thing to know, since I have a fear of messing up. Once the right wires were connected, and the wire loom was zip tied, it looked like a pro had done the installation.